HackSpace magazine #81
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Making an LED flash is a super power. Once you can solder components together, connect a microcontroller, and add a little bit of code, you can do pretty much anything. And we can prove it, with this bumper collection of electronics projects.
Elsewhere in the magazine we meet Raspberry Pi’s in-house maker Toby Roberts; wonder at the witchcraft (actually an Arduino) behind a self-playing piano; unravel the secrets of the universe with mathematical yarn; up your maker game with disposable jigs for laser cutting; control NeoPixels without writing a line of code; and loads more.
Elsewhere in the magazine we meet Raspberry Pi’s in-house maker Toby Roberts; wonder at the witchcraft (actually an Arduino) behind a self-playing piano; unravel the secrets of the universe with mathematical yarn; up your maker game with disposable jigs for laser cutting; control NeoPixels without writing a line of code; and loads more.